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NDIS Funded Supports: What you need to know

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) has been a transformative initiative for many Australians living with disabilities. For those residing in the Mornington Peninsula and surrounding areas, understanding the breadth of services covered by the NDIS is the first step towards a more able life.

NDIS Funding Criteria

Before your NDIS planner makes a decision on what supports might be funded in yours or your loved ones plan NDIS plan, they consider several factors:

  • A participant’s network of informal supports, such as family and friends.
  • Mainstream supports, including health, mental health, and education services.
  • Community supports available to the participant.

The NDIS funds supports deemed "reasonable and necessary" to help participants achieve their identified goals. These terms—'reasonable' and 'necessary'—are pivotal in the NDIS - you’ll likely hear them time and time again!

Your NDIS planner will consider the following when determining whether a requested support is both reasonable and necessary:

  • It must be related to a participant’s disability
  • It must not include day-to-day living costs not related to your disability support needs, such as groceries
  • It should represent value for money
  • It must be likely to be effective and work for the participant, and
  • It should take into account support given to you by other government services, your family, carers, networks and the community.
Source: NDIS

Core, Capacity, and Capital Supports

The types of supports that the NDIS can fund fall into three broad categories:

Core Supports

Core supports are essential services designed to assist individuals in their daily routines and broader life activities. They cover a wide spectrum:

Daily Life Assistance

  • In-home support: This includes routines, meal preparation and organisation.

  • Personal Care Support: Daily living activities like dressing, bathing, and feeding.

  • Household Assistance: Cleaning, cooking, and yard maintenance.

Community Access & Social Participation

Beyond daily routines, the NDIS also funds activities that enrich life experiences. This can range from:

  • Taking a new class

  • Volunteering

  • Participating in social groups

  • Attending events

  • Running errands

  • Support to access and participate in broader experiences like horse riding, surfing, attending concerts, or even joining a sports team.

Important to note is the NDIS will not cover the cost of some activities, as this may be seen as an everyday expense, however they will cover the cost associated with the support you need to access or participate in the event/activity. For example, they may allocate funding for a support worker to go with you, transport, or assistive technology that allows you to participate.

Additionally, many people living with a disability are eligible to receive a Companion Card, which when presented at many locations/businesses, allows their support person or carer to access free or reduced cost tickets/entrance fees for a wide range of events and activities, as well as free public transport. This allows you to have the support you need, without incurring any additional expenses resulting from your disability.

Capacity Building Supports

These are designed to enhance an individual's skills and independence:

  • Skill Development: Learning new skills or improving existing ones, such as cooking or public transport navigation.
  • Work & Study: Supports to help find a job, maintain employment, or pursue education.
  • Relationships: Building interpersonal skills and managing challenges in relationships.
  • Health & Well-being: Including therapeutic support and behavior support.
  • Civic Participation: Engaging in community and local decision-making processes.

Capital Supports

While Align Ability doesn't directly provide capital supports, it's essential to be aware of them:

  • Aids and equipment, including assessment, setup, and training.

  • Home modifications to improve accessibility.

  • Mobility equipment.

  • Vehicle modifications for accessibility.

What the NDIS Will Not Fund

The NDIS will not fund a support if it:

  • Is unrelated to the disability.

  • Duplicates another NDIS-funded support.

  • Covers day-to-day living costs.

  • Might cause harm or pose a risk to others.

The Align Ability Difference

Every individual's journey with disability is unique. At Align Ability, we believe in the power of understanding and collaboration. Our approach is rooted in genuinely getting to know each individual, their goals, and their needs. By fostering strong connections and prioritising relationships, we ensure that the support we offer is tailored to you, respectful of your choices, and adaptable to your changing situations.

The NDIS offers a vast array of supports designed to empower and assist individuals living with disabilities. If you're curious about how these supports can be tailored to your needs or have questions about the NDIS in general, don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to guide and support every step of the way!

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